zur Seite des Waxmann Verlags
Suchen und Finden
zur Expertensuche
Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2016
ISBN: 9783830983842 , 236 Seiten
Format: PDF, OL
Kopierschutz: frei
Preis: 26,99 EUR
Mehr zum Inhalt
Book Cover
0,92 EUR
Technology Education in Germany (Ingelore Mammes, Stefan Fletcher, Martin Lang & Dieter Münk)
6,44 EUR
US K-12 Engineering Education History: A Keyword, Field, & Social Network Analysis of Trends (Johannes Strobel, Mallory D. Lancaster & Yi Luo)
4,60 EUR
Technology Education in Switzerland (Stefan Kruse & Peter Labudde)
3,68 EUR
Elementary Science and Education Within the Luxembourg Educational System (Charles Max)
7,82 EUR
Rise, Fall and New Perspective for Technology Education in the Netherlands (Marc J. de Vries)
‘Academic Tasks’ in Design and Technology Education: Past, Present and Future (Bill Nicholl & David Spendlove)
5,06 EUR
Technology Education in Ukraine (Zinaida Bakum & Viktoriia Tkachuk)
Technology Education in Australia: A Case of Some Good News But Some Serious Challenges Ahead (Denise MacGregor & Howard Middleton)
5,52 EUR
Technology Education in Canada: An Update (Ann Marie Hill)
5,98 EUR
Technology Education in New Zealand: Embedding a New Curriculum (Alister Jones & Cathy Buntting)
List of Authors
0,69 EUR
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