Instrumentalism in Education - Where is Bildung left?

von: Stefanie Hillen, Carmela Aprea

Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2015

ISBN: 9783830980544 , 160 Seiten

Format: PDF, OL

Kopierschutz: frei

Windows PC,Mac OSX für alle DRM-fähigen eReader Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen für: Windows PC,Mac OSX,Linux

Preis: 26,99 EUR

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Instrumentalism in Education - Where is Bildung left?


Book Cover


Instrumentalism in Education – Is there Bildung left? What kind of educational spaces can one find in today’s institutionalised educational situations? An initial rapprochement to the volume’s theme (Stefanie Hillen & Carmela Aprea)

2,04 EUR

Kindergartens – schools without recess – the consequences of an instrumentalist notion of play (Dag Nome)

4,76 EUR

Bildung – At risk in school organisations? (Jorunn H. Midtsundstad)

4,76 EUR

Freedom of speech in the classroom (Ilmi Willbergh)

5,44 EUR

Teachers’ discourses about the Norwegian national tests (Turid Skarre Aasebø)

4,76 EUR

Why do students ask: how much do I need to read to pass the exam? – A conceptual discussion and an empirical inquiry on trends of instrumentalism in study programmes experienced by today’s students (Stefanie Hillen)

5,44 EUR

Exploring the possibilities for a bildungs-oriented conceptualisation of financial literacy education (Carmela Aprea, Eveline Wuttke & Michaela Stock)

5,44 EUR

Instrumental Comparativism in vocational education: Policy borrowing instead of systemic development (Volker Bank)

4,08 EUR

Educational challenges in the shadow of instrumentalism (Aslaug Kristiansen)

4,76 EUR

Instrumentalism – Where is Bildung left? A reflective discussion on the contributions (Bernadette Hörmann)

2,72 EUR

Instrumentalism – Where is Bildung left? – A view from the side lines of a debate (Rocco M. Postiglione)

6,12 EUR

About the authors

1,02 EUR