Aging and Age Discrimination in Europe - Understanding and Challenging Ageism

Aging and Age Discrimination in Europe - Understanding and Challenging Ageism

von: Nesrin Oruç Ertürk, Ayse Karaçizmeli

Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2022

ISBN: 9783830995333 , 140 Seiten

Format: PDF

Kopierschutz: frei

Windows PC,Mac OSX Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's

Preis: 21,99 EUR

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Aging and Age Discrimination in Europe - Understanding and Challenging Ageism

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The attitudes of societies towards ageism in an aging Europe have now become a social phenomenon. This study, which examines and deals with this phenomenon in various European countries, provides an opportunity to analyze the dimensions of ageism in different contexts. Based on these analyses, the exposure levels of older individuals to ageism in aging societies and the discriminatory attitudes of younger generations have been revealed.
The book aims to make contributions to the field of ageism in European countries and contains a brief literature review on ageism and descriptive analyses in country context. As part of the project the project 'WISELIFE: Raising Awareness About Ageism' funded by EU ERASMUS+, this book investigates the concept of ageism in Turkey, Hungary, Poland and Italy.
It is an essential resource for institutions working with older people, non-governmental organizations, academic circles dealing with age discrimination, and organizations such as the continuing education centers and lifelong learning centers providing education for older people to understand age discrimination and the situation of this concept in Europe.