Evaluation matters - A practitioners' guide to sound evaluation for urban mobility measures

von: Katrin Dziekan, Veronique Riedel, Stephanie Müller, Michael Abraham, Stefanie Kettner, Stephan Daubi

Waxmann Lehrbuch, 2013

ISBN: 9783830978817 , 177 Seiten

Format: PDF, OL

Kopierschutz: Wasserzeichen

Windows PC,Mac OSX für alle DRM-fähigen eReader Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen für: Windows PC,Mac OSX,Linux

Preis: 17,99 EUR

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Evaluation matters - A practitioners' guide to sound evaluation for urban mobility measures


Based on the authors' rich experiences, this book demonstrates that evaluation of measures aimed at more sustainable mobility is a useful task which can be learned by everybody. By integrating theory and practice it offers richly-illustrated case examples and cartoons to provide hands on advice. It offers a framework for thinking about evaluation of mobility-related measures and outlines the necessary steps for good evaluation practice. Key Features •Richly illustrated by comics and on real measure examples. •A step-by-step hands on guide for practitioners.