Praxeology as a Challenge - Modelling the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy

von: Anna Herbert, Anja Kraus

Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2013

ISBN: 9783830976516 , 127 Seiten

Format: PDF, OL

Kopierschutz: frei

Windows PC,Mac OSX Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen für: Windows PC,Mac OSX,Linux

Preis: 21,99 EUR

Mehr zum Inhalt

Praxeology as a Challenge - Modelling the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy





1,36 EUR

Heike Schuppelius Through the Eyes of Others: A Filmexperiment with Videoglasses

3,40 EUR

Anja Kraus On the Relationship between Praxeology and Phenomenology Two Approaches to the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy

3,40 EUR

Anna Herbert The Emergence of the Subject: Learning from the Other, Maieutics and Cultural Change1

6,12 EUR

Stela Maris Ferrarese Capettini Cultural and Ethnic Diversity in School – Verbal and Nonverbal Interactions of Girls Playing Games

6,12 EUR

Maud Hietzge Fundamental Corporal Competences – Practical Acquisition and Bodily Processes of Interaction and Subjectivation

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Jürgen Budde Diversity in Teachers’ Assessment of Pupils Relationships between Implicit and Explicit Knowledge

6,80 EUR

Mie Buhl Video as a Means for the Academic Improvement of a Profession A Discussion of Theory- Generating Practices in University Pedagogy

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About the Authors

0,34 EUR