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Local sport in Europe. Proceedings of the 4th eass conference 31.05.-03.06.2007 in Münster
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Local sport in Europe. Proceedings of the 4th eass conference 31.05.-03.06.2007 in Münster
Although national and international aspects of the global sport system have become more important in the past decades, it is still at the local level where most of the sporting activities are realized. In order to draw attention to this aspect, the European Association for the Sociology of Sport (eass) chose the title “Local sport in Europe” for its 4th conference that was held in Münster, Germany in 2007.
This volume is a collection of papers that were presented at this conference, containing amongst others the three keynote lectures by Horst Hübner (Local sports activity and sports facilities), Fabien Ohl (Local sport between identity and economy) and Gertrud Pfister (Sport for all – opportunities and challenges in different sport systems).
The papers cover a great variety of topics that mirror problems and issues of contemporary society, such as violence, racism, gender and health issues, but also current problems of funding and organizational changes in the field of sport.
The volume is subdivided into three principal themes: Sport, culture and society, Sport, ethics and identity and Sport, management and politics.
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