1001 Ways of Seeing

1001 Ways of Seeing

von: Nobumasa Kiyonaga, Bernadette Van Haute, Ernst Wagner

Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2024

ISBN: 9783830998457 , 176 Seiten

Format: PDF

Kopierschutz: frei

Windows PC,Mac OSX Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's

Preis: 26,99 EUR

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1001 Ways of Seeing

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How do we see art works? How do we see artefacts? How do we see our surroundings? How do we see the world?
This book opens up a worldwide dialogue between ten experts, from Japan to Brazil, from South Africa to Germany. It provides a fascinating insight into the different cultures of seeing and learning to see. It also offers a deeper understanding of the differences that divide us and the similarities that connect us. This book marks an important step towards transcultural art education.