Assessment theory, policy, and practice in higher education - Integrating feedback into student learning

Assessment theory, policy, and practice in higher education - Integrating feedback into student learning

von: Stefanie Hillen, Peter Wolcott, Connie Schaffer, Aleksandra Lazareva, Robert Gray

Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2022

ISBN: 9783830994787 , 148 Seiten

Format: PDF

Kopierschutz: frei

Windows PC,Mac OSX Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's

Preis: 21,99 EUR

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Assessment theory, policy, and practice in higher education - Integrating feedback into student learning

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Most faculty and administrators, and even students, in higher education feel that they have heard enough already about assessment. As the editors of this collection, however, we do not think so. Rather, we believe that most professionals in higher education have not approached learning about assessment in the right way. This anthology addresses tools, theoretical perspectives, and methods related to assessment in higher education across a variety of contexts, such as teacher education, vocational education, and other disciplines at European universities, with particular attention paid to assessment as feedback and how that influences student learning. We offer the reader this opportunity to learn from the contributors' research, experiences, and reflections regarding assessment as an educational tool.