Against the Odds - (In)Equity in Education and Educational Systems

Against the Odds - (In)Equity in Education and Educational Systems

von: Nele McElvany, Heinz Günter Holtappels, Fani Lauermann, Aileen Edele, Annika Ohle-Peters

Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2020

ISBN: 9783830991519 , 186 Seiten

Format: PDF

Kopierschutz: frei

Windows PC,Mac OSX Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's

Preis: 26,99 EUR

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Against the Odds - (In)Equity in Education and Educational Systems

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(In)Equity in education and educational systems is a topic of outstanding relevance. Factors, like, for example, students' socio-economic status or migration background have been found to be strongly related to academic achievement in various studies and this is a constant finding in large-scale assessment studies - especially for Germany. Does educational inequity accumulate over a child's life span or what compensating factors can be identified? Not least because of the topics' timeless meaning the 5th Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research was focused on questions pertaining to (in)equity. Factors of influence and approaches to overcome (in)equity were discussed by an international and interdisciplinary expert panel, with contributions from Cyprus, Ireland, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Germany.