zur Seite des Waxmann Verlags
Suchen und Finden
zur Expertensuche
Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2018
ISBN: 9783830988465 , 238 Seiten
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: frei
Preis: 30,99 EUR
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Book Cover
Raising a Christian or an Orthodox Christian? Parents' experience of their ecumenical reality and minority status in the religious upbringing of Finnish Orthodox children and youth (Pekka Metso)
4,68 EUR
Theoretical and methodological perspectives to studying religious and cultural diversity in Finnish, Swedish and Estonian comprehensive schools (Arniika Kuusisto, Jörgen Straarup, Olga Schihalejev, Arto Kallioniemi & Linda Vikdahl)
4,16 EUR
Interreligious education in Catholic schools in Hong Kong. Promoting human values in risk of assimilation by sovereign transition (Imelda Pui-hing Lam)
3,64 EUR
The role of mindful art-making in Jewish dialogical spiritual education (Elyssa Wortzman)
5,20 EUR
Toward democratic practices in RE? A teaching experiment in Finnish classrooms (Martin Ubani)
Theology students' views about competence on multicultural and multi-faith issues (Mehmet ?anver & Özgür Erakku?)
Church and state in educational dialogue. A historical study of the presbyterian church of Ghana (Seth Asare-Danso)
Early childhood educational thinking in a Christian day-care centre (Hilkka Luttinen & Ulla Härkönen)
3,12 EUR
Religious minorities as bridge builders in diverse classrooms (Aina Hammer & Nanna Paaske)
Islamic education in the non-confessional frame. Challenges of Islamic religious education in the Finnish context (Saila Kujanpää)
What kind of educational reflections do RE student teachers have during their pedagogical studies? A dialogical perspective on a case study (Martin Ubani)
Religious competence and the new national curriculum of Latvia. Current developments (Laima Geikina)
High school students' views on the use of digital learning objects in religious education (Vasiliki Mitropoulou & Smaragda Faridou)
A teacher as a user of technological devices and social media applications in religious education (Risto Aikonen)
4,94 EUR
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