Research in Technology Education - International Approaches

von: Marc J. de Vries, Stefan Fletcher, Stefan Kruse, Peter Labudde, Martin Lang, Ingelore Mammes, Charle

Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2018

ISBN: 9783830988014 , 224 Seiten

Format: PDF

Kopierschutz: frei

Windows PC,Mac OSX Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's

Preis: 30,99 EUR

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Research in Technology Education - International Approaches





1,12 EUR

The T and E in STEM: From promise to practice (Marc J. de Vries)

2,80 EUR

How boys’ and girls’ technical interest differs: A research study (Victoria Adenstedt)

6,72 EUR

Exploring energy related knowledge in technology and natural science education. Uncovering energy related understanding of students in the German federal state North Rhine-Westphalia at the end of lower secondary education (Johannes Deutsch)

4,48 EUR

Problem Solving in Technology Education. Development of an engineering design task to investigate action-oriented problem-solving processes (Tatiana Esau)

5,60 EUR

Empathiser, Systemiser or Balanced: Understanding pupils’ “Personality Types” and what this says about their enjoyment of school subjects (Katie Klavenes)

4,48 EUR

Understanding Tech Socialisation and its Impact on Tech in the Classroom: An Empirical Pilot in Assessing Student Teachers’ Biography and Instructional Belief (Alexander Koch & Lena Wenger)

5,04 EUR

Is problem solving competence in handling everyday technical devices a two-dimensional construct? (Jennifer Stemmann)

5,60 EUR

Trainees’ view on the different emphasis of topics in VET between dual partners in Germany. An empirical study on electronics technicians at the end of vocational training (Leo van Waveren)

3,36 EUR

An activity theoretical research lens on inquiry-based learning (Charles Max)

6,16 EUR

Development of a concept for promoting comprehensive technological education (Stefan Kruse)

7,28 EUR

Activity Orientation in Engineering Education (Benedikt Schwuchow)

3,36 EUR

Teachers’ Scaffolding in Problem Solving Tasks. Development of a Coding System for a Case Study in Technology Education in German Primary Schools (Julia Steinfeld)

3,92 EUR

List of Authors

0,84 EUR