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Scenarios of Knowledge at Universities in Change - Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences
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Scenarios of Knowledge at Universities in Change - Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences
This volume presents some contributions to the 6th conference of the EERA network 'Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy': 'Education is Relation not Output? Scenes of Knowledge and Knowledge Acquisition'. The symposium was motivated by the fact that some perspectives of Humanities, for example those from the Educational and the Cultural Sciences, are not always present in the current discourses on university. Considering the point of view of these scientific disciplines, the idea of university and scholarly life means, firstly, to freely develop the idea of university. Secondly, it means to critically examine the conditions for academic work, e.g. in terms of current policy discourses. Fundamental for this is the idea of university as a society in which everyone is responsible for the shaping of her/his relationships to him-/herself, to others and to the world based on diverse forms of knowledge and knowledge representation. In this volume, this idea will be developed from historical, conceptual, and practical perspectives.
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