zur Seite des Waxmann Verlags
Suchen und Finden
zur Expertensuche
Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2015
ISBN: 9783830982654 , 160 Seiten
Format: PDF, OL
Kopierschutz: frei
Preis: 21,99 EUR
Mehr zum Inhalt
Art Education “Made in Germany” (Georg Peez)
1,62 EUR
Historical and Current Concepts. Aspects of Art Education in Germany after 1945 (Marc Fritzsche, Martin Klinkner & Georg Peez)
Art Education in Primary Schools (Constanze Kirchner)
2,16 EUR
Opening Spaces for Opportunities. Staging Materials as an Art Educational Intervention (Petra Kathke)
Open Dialogues in the Art Workshop. Nobody Knows What It Will Turn out to Be (Thomas Heyl)
Integrated Arts and Computer Science Education in Mixed Reality Learning Spaces (Daniela Reimann)
Fan Art – Online Youth Aesthetics in the Art Classroom (Jutta Zaremba)
For a Sociospatial Practice of Art Education (Ulrike Stutz)
Artistic Education Within Art Projects (Carl-Peter Buschkühle)
Image Orientation and Art Education (Rolf Niehoff)
Art Class or Image Class? Remarks on Naming a School Subject (Dietrich Grünewald)
1,08 EUR
The Extended Art Space. The Web as a Sphere of Action (Sara Burkhardt)
Methods of Evaluation and Grading in Art Class (Georg Peez)
2,70 EUR
Color and Space. Two Competing Parameters of Our Perception (Martin Oswald)
The Experiment in Art Class (Thomas Michl)
Art Education and Biography (Georg Peez)
Play and Language (Johannes Kirschenmann)
Aesthetic Delight (Michael Parmentier)
Play (Gundel Mattenklott)
The Road Towards Intercultural/Transcultural Arts Education (Ernst Wagner)
BDK – Association for Art Education (Marc Fritzsche & Martin Klinkner)
0,54 EUR
Databases and Further Resources. Publications in National and International Contexts
1,89 EUR
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